Stuck in a van on a journey from London to Liverpool, Justin and I got talking. Having been to see MinionTV play in some dive in Camden it was 3am and delirious time so I half-arsed convinced him I was a journalist from the NME and these were my big interview questions. Sucker.
You are a founding member of the band. When did it start out?
Around 5 years ago but more officially two years ago but I've known Ste [Stephen Johnston - guitar] for a while.
What does the name MinionTV mean?
It symbolises about a hundred different stories. To me it means nothing.
What instrument do you play and what gear do you use?
Guitar. A Gretsch Duo Jet. It's not an expensive one. I have a Vox AC30 amp. ZVEX Fuzz Factory. Boss DD2. Boss bass distortion. Electro Harmonix Holy Grail [reverb]. Electro Harmonicx Phaser. Tremelo. Ebow.

An entirely unrelated picture of George Harrison.
Whats the weirdest thing to ever happen to the band?
Every gig is weird because people don't really expect the kind of music we are playing.
Who do you idolise or aspire to musically?
Just to be myself. Also, Radiohead as people as much as a band. They are ever-changing, experimenting and consistent.

Justin mentioned Radiohead. This is what Radiohead used to look like.
Why have you got no singer?
We all like instrumental music. We would have singing if we felt it needed it.
Your first album was quite spectacular. What will your next album be like?
Personally, I'd like it to be beat-driven. Bass and beat-driven less of the guitar riffs and more heavy.
What direction do you see MinionTV going in the future?
Less guitary more electronic. Sticking to short songs, catchy melodies, not too different, like, from what were doing at the moment. If we could get away with doing an epic 30-minute heavy electronic song I would. And more visuals would be good.
interview with Justin Bailey
www.miniontv.co.uk Tweet